UncategorizedIn certain circumstances, a “no-contact” order can be issued by a judge. This order should prevent a person from contacting another person by any ...
In certain circumstances, a “no-contact” order can be issued by a judge. This order should prevent a person from contacting another person by any ...
Most estate planning attorneys and other professionals encourage their clients to include a financial power of attorney when they are preparing their ...
The Constitution theoretically protects the legal rights of Indiana defendants. In practice, their legal rights could be trampled on by overeager pros ...
Though states use different initials to refer to DUI, all states have laws against driving under the influence. Indiana uses the initials OWI, or oper ...
Employees in the state of Indiana have the right to earn a minimum wage. The federal minimum wage is defined underneath the Fair Labor Standards Act, ...
The deaf or hearing impaired are protected from workplace discrimination. The Americans with Disabilities Act is a set of guidelines and laws that emp ...