People in Indiana should know that it’s not uncommon for patients to receive the wrong medications. This can happen for a number of reasons. Sometimes, the error happens at the pharmacy. Other times, the prescriber is at fault. Mostly, when someone receives the wrong medication, it’s because of human error.


Some pharmacists and technicians have gone on the record with the media about errors they have made. One explained that he made a mistake during a busy day; the pharmacy was understaffed, and he had people waiting. He accidentally gave a prescription to the wrong family. Luckily, he caught it and called them.

Not every patient is so lucky. Some people have months of side effects due to taking the wrong medication. They’ve even seen other doctors to try to find out what was causing their new symptoms. In those cases, it’s another specialist who catches the initial mistake.


Now that most medical records are electronic, a prescriber’s handwriting isn’t an issue anymore. However, people still need to be vigilant. They should look at the information sheets that come with their prescriptions. This is a great way to verify that it’s the same medication the doctor told them would be prescribed.

People should also keep a list of what medications they’re currently taking and ask the doctor and pharmacist about side effects. If the worst happens and there is an error, it may be possible to file a personal injury claim.

In that situation, having a skilled lawyer on your side might make a big difference. An attorney who is familiar with personal injury cases may guide you regarding whom to pursue and what damages you might be able to collect.